

Director : T.S. Meeks

“Distancia” follows Juan, a devout, undocumented Mexican immigrant, when his wife suddenly dies and he experiences a crisis of faith

2024 | 75 min. | USA | Drama

Language | Spanish

World Premiere | June 2024 | ​Brooklyn​​ Film Festival

Winner | Best New Director | Brooklyn Film Festival


Director’s Statement

Distancia was conceived from a conversation with my then-girlfriend, now my wife, that challenged my perception of God and questioned whether I believed in His inherent goodness. Initially, I was taken aback by these questions, but they catalyzed an exploration of my spiritual and existential theology.

This introspection was rooted in the painful experience of losing my sister to cancer at a young age while growing up in a household of faith. Unconsciously, we had collectively agreed that God was good, but this belief seemed to work only in hindsight – the notion that "He works all things for good." I genuinely believed in this divine benevolence because I had witnessed it. However, the crucial question that surfaced was whether I truly believed in God's goodness for me and those around me in the present and future.

Distancia was born out of these questions. I embarked on the journey of writing the script, envisioning an odyssey in which Juan, the protagonist of Distancia, could search for answers about God's goodness, irrespective of his circumstances. Could I guide Juan on a path where he could discover God's goodness, regardless of the challenges he faced? Was such a revelation even possible for Juan, for me, or for anyone else?


The production of the film was a unique blend of fiction and nonfiction, shot over many years. Each scene was designed to allow space for unexpected moments to unfold. As Quincy Jones once said, "You've got to leave space for God to walk through the room." Many of these scenes featured non-actors who, like Juan, were exploring the same profound questions of grief and God. Distancia became a canvas for these contemplative inquiries and a testament to the complexities of faith, loss, and the human search for meaning.


Director T.S. Meeks

T.S. Meeks, a writer-director from Pasadena, California, has created four impactful short films alongside his debut feature, Distancia. He blends professional actors with non-professionals. His films delve into the complexities of faith, offering audiences a raw exploration of human belief and doubt. Meeks is known for thought-provoking narratives that challenge our perspectives on spirituality.


Written and directed by | T.S. Meeks

Starring | Javier B. Suarez

Starring | Atman Mercadillo

Director of Photography | Aaron Inman

Editor | Aaron Inman

Produced by | Atman Mercadillo, T.S. Meeks, Aaron Inman and Thomas Ethan Harris